The ever increasing accidents on the road in Kerala with nearly 4000 deaths and around 35,000 injured every year, has become a major cause of concern and there is urgent need to make a comprehensive programme of Traffic Safety and Enforcement. Hence Government of Kerala and Kerala Police have decided to launch the Subhayatra2015 Project, which aims at tackling all the Three E's of Traffic, namely Enforcement, Engineering and Education. The project provides for tackling traffic through a multi-faceted, coordinated effort of all sections of the society to make the roads in Kerala, a more safer place to drive.


  • Traffic Helpline Number: 1099
  • Bank Payment of Traffic Fines: As per Go (Ms.) No. 214/2011/Home dated 10.10.2011, government have accorded sanction to implement the scheme for the payment of compounding fee for traffic offenses through State Bank of Travancore. This system is now commissioned in Trivandrum as an experiment.
  • E-ChallanSystem: The system of Digital Challan Generation for traffic checking has been initiated and commissioned
Last updated on Wednesday 18th of May 2022 AM