Sl.No Crime Heads 2021 (October 31) 2022 (Up to 31st December 2022) 2023 (Up to 31.01.2024) 2024 (Up to 31st may 2024)
1 Murder 10 10 14 1
2 Attempt to commit murder 10 16 15
3 CH- Not amounting to Murder 3 4 1 0
4 Rape 37 113 46 8
5 Kidnapping & abduction 3 9 12 3
6 Dacoity 1 1 5 3
7 Robbery 8 6 9 6
8 Burglary 51 1 5
9 Theft 33 97 16 30
10 Riots 35 184 15 8
11 Criminal breach of trust 0 0 1 1
12 Cheating 67 270 98
13 Counterfeiting 1 3 0
14 Arson 3 9 7
15 Simple Hurt 266 575 620 215
16 Dowry Deaths(304(B) IPC) 0 0 0
17 Molestation 66
18 Insult to the modesty of women Sec 509 IPC 17 16 1
19 Cruelty by husband or relatives 106 224 204 45
20 Other IPC Crimes 875 231 40 24
21 Criminal Tres pass and Burglary 51 46 28
22 Grievous Hurt 33 53 23
23 Dowry death 0
24 Assault on Women with intent to outrage of her modesty u/s 354 199 121 55
25 279 RASH DRIVING 1329 2046 656
26 Forgery (Sec 468 &471 IPC) 10 10 34
27 Causing Death by Negligence( Sec. 304(A)) 1
28 Attempt to suicide 1 0
29 Offences promoting enmity between deferent groups( 153 A, 153 B IPC) 1
30 Extortion ( Sec 384 IPC) 1
31 Attempt to Commit Culpable homicide(Sec 308 IPC) 24
32 Incidence of unnatural / bisexual offences (Sec.377 IPC) 4
33 Attempt to commit Rape (Section 376/511 IPC) 1
34 Affray Sec 159, 160 18 8
35 Total Offences against public tranquility 113
36 Obstruction on public way Sec 283 IPC 25 18
37 Arson Sec 435,436,438 IPC 8
38 Attempt to Commit rape 4
39 Unlawful Assembly Sec 143,144,145 91 33
40 HB THEFT 23
42 Miscellaneous IPC Crimes 2369 605
43 Obscene acts and songs at public places (Sec 294) 25 10
44 Offences related to mischief(428 to 433) 2
45 Criminal Intimidation (Sec 506)
46 Attempt to commit Murder(307 IPC) 12
47 Attempt to commit Culpable homicide( 308 IPC ) 14
48 Criminal Intimidation (Sec 506 IPC ) 2
49 Human Trafficking(u/s 370 IPC) 1
50 Offences Promoting enmity between deferent groups(Sec 153 A) 3
Total cognizable crimes(IPC cases) 1575 3154 6548 1985
Last updated on June 27, 2024